Friday, August 25, 2006

Racebaiting Charlie Rangel

You're 20 points down, black man

This came from the Strickland for Governor campaign in Ohio

In a stunning move, the Blackwell for Governor campaign today took the idea behind the Strickland for Governor factcheck blog,, and made a knockoff version called "Tell the Truth, Ted" (

Now, despite the fact that the site is ostensibly aimed at Ted Strickland, a shocking secret underlies the surface of the site. U.S. Representative Charlie Rangel (NY) is mentioned not once...not twice...but thirteen times.

Charlie Rangel is not from Ohio. Charlie Rangel is not a gubernatorial candidate in Ohio or, in fact, any other state. But with today’s salvo, it’s become obvious – Ken Blackwell is going after Charlie Rangel with everything he’s got.

Such a move is truly surprising, even to seasoned political veterans. It’s rare enough for a statewide political candidate to focus such a blistering assault on someone not on the ballot; it’s perhaps unprecedented to focus such an attack on someone who is in no way eligible to hold the position as he is not a resident of the state in question

No, Blackwell is trying to prove he isn't like those other negroes. Strickland is no better than a colored congressman from New York.

No one cares, Ken. You're too black for the wingnuts and too crazy for everyone else. You're probably going to lose by 30 points.

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