Monday, July 31, 2006
Lessons my father taught me
Pugil Stick training
When I was a kid, I asked my father a lot of questions about his time in the Marines. Because I was one of those kids who asked questions and had opinions. I was also allowed to disagree with my parents on politics, but that's another story for another day.
Someone asked me why I would still write about, and or fuck with, the New Republic.
Well, my father told me a story about boot camp and the pugil stick drill.
Basically, two Marines go into a circle with a pole with two padded ends and beat the ever loving shit out of each other. I mean, the Drill Instructors get in their ass if they show a moment of hesistation. And they don't stop until one guy is on the ground gasping for air, not moving. Sure, they have helmets, but nobody forgets their time with the pugil stick.
The point he made to my young ears was that you didn't quit until the other guy couldn't get up. Not didn't get up, because the DI's would make him, but couldn't. You didn't have any choice.
Well, when it comes to TNR, we don't have any choice. Until they're totally discredited, a complete joke, we have to whomp their asses. Just go after them every chance we get. They have to be gasping for air when we finished.
Why? Because they are no longer bound by the truth. They will make shit up and used stolen e-mail to make their point, and lecture you on how right they are.
And the same has to do with Joe Lieberman.
The first battle any resistance has is not with the occupiers, but with their collaborators. TNR is dangerous because they claim to be liberals. For the Democratic Party to be reborn, collaborators like Lieberman have to suffer at the polls.
Vichy France was created to save France, to moderate the Nazis. It didn't work.
Which is why we call the DLC set Vichy Democrats. They are so afraid of Democratic virtues that they ran from them. They wanted to save the party, but they destroyed it. We lost control of the House and Senate for a decade because they wanted to compromise their way to power.
Just because Lieberman looks defeated doesn't mean you quit. You work harder to make sure he loses. You don't sit back and wait for the defeat. You get in his ass and don't quit until he's defeated. You ensure the defeat and then you watch the DLC crowd shit the bed, because they're next.
You don't quit when someone is down, you finish the fucking job.
About the IDF
This isn't working.
Israel OKs expansion of Lebanon campaign
Hopes dim for quick end to Mideast crisis
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel's Security Cabinet has approved an expansion of the ground campaign against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon, Israeli officials said early Tuesday.
The announcement came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said his military was inflicting heavy damage on Hezbollah and rejected international calls for a cease-fire until Israel has pushed the Shiite Muslim militia back from its borders. ( Watch Israeli troops move toward Lebanon's border -- 2:26 )
"Quite a few days of fighting are still before us," Olmert told a conference of local officials.
The Israeli Security Cabinet last week rejected a call from military leaders to widen the Lebanon offensive but authorized a call-up of about 15,000 reserve soldiers. There was no immediate explanation for the reversal.
Reuters, quoting Israel Radio, reported 15,000 reservists would be called up, but it is not clear whether those troops are the ones already authorized or extra troops.
Dan Harel, chief of the IDF, is an Air Force officer.
Which is why they keep bombing. Air Force officers think bombs and air power solves everything. Tooey Spaatz went to Eisenhower to object to D-Day because he thought he could bomb Germany into submission.
Much hasn't changed.
Israel cannot do more than bounce the rubble. The more bombs dropped, the worse they look.
Israel showed missles being fired from Qana today. They were never asked how they didn't spot refugees and a hospital.
Castro sick
Ailing Castro Gives Temporary Power to Brother
Published: July 31, 2006
HAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Castro, who took control of Cuba in 1959, rebuffed repeated U.S. attempts to oust him and survived communism's demise almost everywhere else, temporarily relinquished his presidential powers to his brother Raul on Monday night because of surgery.
The Cuban leader said he had suffered gastrointestinal bleeding, apparently due to stress from recent public appearances in Argentina and Cuba, according to a letter read live on television by his secretary, Carlos Valenciaga.
''The operation obligates me to undertake several weeks of rest,'' said the letter. Extreme stress ''had provoked in me a sharp intestinal crisis with sustained bleeding that obligated me to undergo a complicated surgical procedure.''
Castro said he was temporarily relinquishing the presidency to his younger brother and successor Raul, the defense minister, but said the move was of ''a provisional character.'' There was no immediate appearance or statement by Raul Castro.
It was the first time in his decades-long tenure that Castro has given up power, though he has been sidelined briefly in the recent past with occasional health problems.
The elder Castro asked that celebrations scheduled for his 80th birthday on Aug. 13 be postponed until Dec. 2, the 50th anniversary of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces.
Castro said he would also temporarily delegate his duties as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba to Raul, who turned 75 in June and who has been taking on a more public profile in recent weeks.
In power since the triumph of the Cuban revolution on Jan. 1, 1959, Castro has been the world's longest-ruling head of government. Only Britain's Queen Elizabeth, crowned in 1952, has been head of state longer.
The ''maximum leader's'' ironclad rule has ensured Cuba remains among the world's five remaining communist countries. The others are all in Asia: China, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea.
In Old Havana, waiters at a popular cafe were momentarily stunned as they watched the news. But they quickly got back to work and put on brave faces.
''He'll get better, without a doubt,'' said Agustin Lopez, 40. ''There are really good doctors here, and he's extremely strong.
Everything which happened in Iraq was supposed to happen in Cuba. The exiles return and run the country, or not.
Fence sitters
Connecticut Primary Draws Fence-Siters
Published: August 1, 2006
HARTFORD, July 31 — Thousands of unaffiliated Connecticut voters have registered as Democrats in recent weeks, apparently eager to vote in the tightly contested Aug. 8 Senate primary between Senator Joseph I. Lieberman and his antiwar challenger, Ned Lamont.
In the last three months, 6,715 voters have changed their registration from unaffiliated to Democrat, the secretary of state said on Monday, noting that the number was unusually large. Nearly 5,000 voters changed affiliation in July alone, nearly 10 times the number in May.
Unaffiliated voters can continue changing their registration until noon on the day before the primary. Unaffiliated voters are nearly 45 percent of the electorate, making them a larger group than either the Democrats or Republicans, according to the secretary of state, Susan Bysiewicz. About 702,000 of the state’s 2.1 million voters, or about a third, are registered Democrats.
Both the Lieberman and Lamont campaigns say they expect record turnout in the primary election, and both campaigns say they believe the newly registered Democrats are a good sign for them.
“We know that a significant number of those who have flipped have done so to back Ned Lamont,” said Tom Swan, Mr. Lamont’s campaign manager.
Marion Steinfels, a spokeswoman for the Lieberman campaign, said: “The more Democrats who register obviously gives us a better chance.”
Jesse Jackson is scheduled to appear in Connecticut on Wednesday to endorse Mr. Lamont.
In a sign that the race could become increasingly negative in the final days, the Lieberman campaign began distributing fliers on Sunday raising questions about Mr. Lamont’s membership in an exclusive Greenwich country club.
The front of the flier featured a picture of Mr. Lieberman with former President Bill Clinton, who campaigned for the senator last week, and cited examples of Mr. Lieberman’s support for civil rights issues. “Lieberman has fought throughout his entire career to knock down barriers, stop discrimination and extend the promise of America to everyone,” the flier said.
But the back of the flier quotes a recent article in The New York Times describing Mr. Lamont’s past membership in the Round Hill Club, a country club in Mr. Lamont’s hometown, Greenwich. Mr. Lamont has said that he gave up his membership because the club was not diverse enough.
The general manager of the Round Hill Club, Dennis Meermans, said that he was not permitted to comment on the club’s membership policies and that the club’s president was out of the country and unavailable.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Lamont, Liz Dupont-Diehl, said that the campaign was “continually disappointed by Senator Lieberman’s personal attacks.” She also noted Mr. Lamont’s volunteer work in Bridgeport public schools and his association with the local Urban League chapter in the state
There was a small disruption at a New Haven rally for Mr. Lieberman when supporters of the senator tried to cover up a sign being carried through the crowd by a Lamont supporter. After the woman began yelling, a police officer removed her from the rally. She was not arrested.
I don't think Lieberman supporters are rushing to him,since he's trying to get black votes. What I think are that independents want to make sure that Lieberman is defeated. If there was an uptick in supporters, wouldn't you see it reflected in the campaign?
The Last Hurrah
Joe's Tomorrow Tour
Well now that was awkward.
I just got back from a New Haven Lieberman event stop, part of 'Joe's Tomorrow Tour', and wow, what an experience. I think it was a strange event for all involved, though it's a bit hard to tell since Ed and I arrived in a giant float with a paper mache replica of George Bush kissing Lieberman, and this warps your perspective somewhat since people tend to treat you a bit differently with that sort of entrance. Surprisingly, Lieberman's youngish political staff, the Lieberyouth, didn't like us very much right off the bat.
When you drive in the float among non-Lieberpeople, all sorts of folks give you the thumbs up. They smile, they laugh, they honk, and some of them ask you what the two giant heads mean. Building this thing and driving it to public events was a stroke of genius by the Connecticut bloggers.
The event itself was in New Haven, in a refurbished housing project. After we got to the address of the event, a bunch of cops came up to us and said something to the effect of 'you're not driving that thing around here, right?' And we were kind of dumbfounded, since it's a public road. After some discussion, we saw that the next door over there was a house with a Ned Lamont sign on it and we asked if we could park in the driveway. The girl who answered the door said yes.
We parked it in the yard.
The cops didn't like this very much, since the float was in full view of the event. The cops started arguing with us, and said that what we were doing was criminal trespassing, and we needed to leave immediately. I was in a bit of shock because I'm not used to cops yelling at me, but Ed was a lot cooler headed, and pointed out that we had gotten permission from the homeowner. Several police officers stood around sort of growling, while one of them confronted the girl at home. When she said that we had permission, the cop demanded she get her mother on the phone. The cop and the mother talked for a few minutes, and I was getting ready for us to go, but the cop suddenly said 'you have permission to stay here'. Go Mom! It was strange, because the cops were being tough on us even though reporter Paul Bass was standing right there and asking questions. There was an air of fake menace, as if these guys knew that they had to put on a show about trying to intimidate us. And I have to say, I don't like being yelled at by the police, though they did seem afterwards like pretty good guys doing their best in a politically difficult situation.
After we parked, Ed and I took our signs and walked into the crowd. There were about 75 people there, with around 30-45 of them being staff, political operatives, paid band members, and politicians. The rest were neighbors who heard the noise, and a few folks who heard about the event and wanted to see Lieberman speak. And there were about eight of us, holding either our own anti-Lieberman signs or Ned Lamont signs. The Lieberman campaign apparently decided that our signs are problematic, so they assigned four or five Lieberyouth to block our signs and cameras so that Lieberman wouldn't see them. I'm told that if Lieberman is exposed to liberalism for too long he starts melting. This might be why his face looks droopy.
Here are the Lieberyouth on sign patrol, blocking me from taking pictures, or rather, making it slightly harder for me to take pictures.
Lieberman soon arrived in his charmless bus, which is inexplicably called 'Joe's Tomorrow Tour' in some strange ode to Epcot. I expect if you enter the bus, you can take a guided tour of an odd and dated vision of the future, where children from all over the world will live in undersea caves and space ports, though weirdly enough there aren't cell phones or the internet.
The back of the bus had some branding issues.
Now you may think that my comments are mostly smart-ass snarkiness, but I'm trying to give you an accurate picture of what the event was like. It was, to be blunt, really weird. The rally started after Joe got there, with lots of politicians who didn't resonate with the crowd babbling somewhat incoherently about Lieberman, though that's actually kind of inaccurate, since there wasn't much of a crowd.
I stood around with my sign, going back and forth a bit with the Lieberyouth. It was hard to take them seriously, though they took me very seriously and were pretty angry that I was there. I have to say, that level of emotion is unusual among people doing events like this, since playing games with signs is a hallmark of every political professional who has ever done visibility anywhere ever. I realized about fifteen minutes into the event that it's not just Joe who's offended; they all are.
Anyway, after about a half hour of juking, this little kid came up to me and said he really wanted to hold my sign. He had been holding Lieberman signs, but he was bored, and my sign was taller than their signs. Lieberman had just a few minutes earlier come up to the kid for a photo op, so I figured, sure, why not, and I gave my sign to him.
This presented a problem for the Lieberyouth, because they had to now block a child from showing his sign to Lieberman and the crowd. The kid thought it was a game, and he was having fun trying to dodge the Lieberyouth. Then he charged ahead right into the speaking area, and the Lieberyouth realized they had to confiscate the sign from a kid who was clearly enjoying holding it.
Whew, that was close.
After all the politicos had spoken, Lieberman finally stepped up to the mike. Lieberman's speech was bad, weird, listless, and angry. He said that there are two big lies in this campaign. The first is apparently that Lieberman is not a Democrat. For the record, we call him George Bush's favorite Democrat, though we tend to acknowledge that he's a Democrat. After repeating the the mean liberal voices he hears in his head, Lieberman said something along the lines of 'I'm a Democrat, I believe in human rights, in government working for the people, etc.' What's hilarious about Lieberman's point is that he not only violated campaign speak 101, which is that you don't repeat your opponent's attacks on you, but he actually invented a new attack line and used it on himself so he could deny it.
The second big apparent slap is even weirder. 'The other big lie in this campaign is that I am George Bush.' With special emphasis, Lieberman said slowly, 'I. am. not. George. Bush.' How do you even respond to that? It's like Lieberman is running against the Chewbacca defense. He's just picking facts about himself, not positions or anything like that, just simple human facts, and saying that we are lying about them. Here's a three line play I wrote to illustrate the dynamic:
Enter Joe Lieberman, stage right
Lieberman: My opponent says I am made of wax. I am not made of wax, that is a total fabrication!
The world: What are you talking about?
awkward pause
The EndIn the rest of his speech, Lieberman referred repeatedly to his work in the 1960s marching and registering voters in the South. Even this didn't work, since most people in the semi-crowd weren't actually alive in the the early 1960s. At a certain point during the anecdote, one of his staffers shouted out derisively 'Where was Ned?' Lieberman grinned and said 'That's a good question, where was Ned?' While not a devastating blow, it does seem reasonable to wonder why Ned Lamont wasn't in the South in the early 1960s registering voters like Joe Lieberman was. Apparently, Ned's lame excuse is that he was in elementary school.
Anyway, the event was strange, fake, and awkward. There was a great band playing, but no one had taken fun lessons in Lieberman's camp for about twenty years.
I guess I'm still left wondering what drives this guy, and why he was once so beloved. He doesn't act like a normal person, he acts like a whiny guy who's good at chit-chatting, faking compliments, and hugging people he doesn't know while pretending that he knows them.
At the end of the day, Lieberman seemed angry, bitter, and all alone. He had delivered for Connecticut for more than thirty years. And now he's angrily asking, why are they so ungrateful?
Wow, see the little black kid with the Lieberman sign?
The Lieberman staff is VERY lucky that didn't turn ugly on them. Some people aren't cool with white folks manhandling black kids and if that kid had made a fuss, it would have turned on him.
It was a kid, they should have let him be.
Amateurs. If it was that bad, go find his mother or grandmother. Never do that yourself because it is risky.
Want a dictatorship
They were more loyal to the Legion
than France
Enhance force levels? Look to immigrants.
The US should grant preference for visas to those willing to serve in the military.
By Kevin Ryan
CAMBRIDGE, MASS. – While in Moscow as US Defense attaché from 2001 to 2003, I received several calls from Russians with a remarkable and unexpected request. They wanted to join the United States Army.
The president and Congress have been working with the Department of Defense since 2002 to encourage legal immigrants to join the military by promising to speed up the process for citizenship for any member of the service who completes one year of duty. In the four years since the program began, more than 25,000 immigrants in uniform have become American citizens. That's the equivalent of one of the active Army's 10 divisions being manned entirely by immigrants.
The average American may not know it, but non-US citizens have for years been accepted into our military as volunteers. The only prerequisite has been a green card demonstrating permission to reside in the US. Most of these immigrants became American citizens, having served in our nation's defense even before they received all of its benefits and rights. Instead of thinking outside the box when recruiting, let's make the box bigger and seek out these great soldiers in the numbers we need.
The US Army, which in 2005 fell 7,000 soldiers short of its recruiting goal, already has recruiters in American territories such as Guam and Puerto Rico. Why can't we expand our presence overseas to recruit foreign citizens who also possess higher educations and speak English? The idea is not as far-fetched as one might think. In an analogous effort, the Army Materiel Command stations teams around the globe to obtain new technologies to fulfill our materiel needs. The same principle can apply to satisfying our personnel requirements. We only accept the highest-grade technologies, and we would only recruit the highest-caliber people.
If the US Army placed one recruiting station in the capital of India, an English-speaking democracy of more than a billion people, we would have available a pool of enlistment-age adults equivalent to the entire population of the United States - more than 300 million men and women. Or, if we don't want to pay for a recruiting station in New Delhi, we could mail recruiting brochures to some of the 1 million foreign students who actually make it to America's colleges and institutes on temporary visas each year. Perhaps they would like to have their school debts paid along with guaranteed work.
The Army could seek out soldiers with valuable cultural and language capabilities. America could put recruiting shortages in its past, and the country would gain educated, legal, patriotic, new immigrants who, like immigrants before them, would do the work that many Americans won't - serve their country in its defense.
No, Gen. Ryan, they refuse to die in Bush's colonial war in Iraq.
For an educated man, he seems militantly ignorant.
India has a long and storied military tradition with regiments with 200 years of service. Why the fuck would the Indian government, risking the ire of it's Muslim population, have Indians serve as colonial troopers in Iraq. General, there are two generations of Indian dead in Commonwealth cemetaries in Iraq.
Kut, Basra, these names are taught in Indian military academies and for good reason. Indian soldiers died in Britain's wars there.
I seriously doubt that other countries want their citizens being approached to serve a foreign power engaged in an illegal war.
Then the problem of loyalty is another issue. Foreign soldiers are loyal to the unit, not the country. Which is what happened to France in 1960. The Legion wanted to stage a coup so they could stay in Algeria. Which is why you don't want an army of foriegners defending you.
No, General Ryan, we need better leaders who don't pick wars of choice. Not Indian mercenaries.
Welcome to the gutter
Lieberman's campaign manager
CT Blogger posted the following
Now on the back side, notice the key race baiting phrase "He didn't pay as much attention to race...until he got into the sente race"
Now as a promise, here's another Drudge siren moment from Greg Sargent at TPMCafe:The Lieberman campaign has now acknowledged to us that they produced the flyer, which was distributed in and around black churches. A Lamont spokesperson blasted Lieberman for the flyer, saying the Lamont campaign was "disappointed" with the tactic.I bet the house that Dan "the DLC hitman" Gerstein and Sean "low info voter" Smith were the masterminds behind this racist smear campaign in the first place. How can anyone have any respect for Joe Lieberman is beyond me at this point. Using race baiting to smear someone like Ned Lamont is beyond disgusting.
"People have reported to us that it was distributed at churches in the minority community," Lamont spokesperson Liz Dupont-Diehl told Election Central.
The flyer contains a picture of Joe Lieberman clasping arms with Bill Clinton. It hails Lieberman's record on civil rights while blasting Lamont's record on race. It questions why he resigned from an exclusive country club only just before beginning his Senate campaign, and includes a couple quotes from Lamont about his decision in a New York Times story from July.
"According to Lamont: He didn't pay as much attention to race...until he got into the Senate race," the flyer reads. "Stand by the guy who has stood by us and always will. Vote for Joe Lieberman for U.S. Senate."
Dan Gerstein, an adviser to Lieberman speaking on behalf of the campaign, confirmed that the campaign was behind the flyer and defended the tactic.
"We're surprised that the Lamont campaign wants to make an issue of this," Gerstein told Election Central. "This flyer simply states the facts, and in particular repeates a very questionable statement Mr. Lamont made which raises many questions he has yet to answer. If he's so concerned about discrimination, why didn't he resign from this club before he became candidate for u.s. senate? Also, what are the policies at the club and why won't he answer that question?"
AGAIN, WHERE IS THE FUCKING MEDIA ON THIS!!! Christ, how can you guys in the media allow the Lieberman campaign to get away with this type of shit?!? You guys in the local media was aware of this crap for weeks yet you haven't done ONE report of this OBVIOUS race baiting tactic while allowing Lieberman to dodge not answering relevant questions.
That the hell is going on here? How did the media allow Lieberman to get so off the topic of the issues regarding this primary race? Can someone ANYONE from the media e-mail me and explain this to me? With over 2500+ Americans dead and tens of thousands injured in Iraq, you guys allow Joe to babble about Ned's holdings and don't hold Lieberman's campaign accountable for their OBVIOUS race-baiting flyer (for God sakes, the bloggers and a reporter from OUT-OF STATE had to break this story).
To add insult to injury, "psycho" Marion and the rest of the goons at Lieberman central lied about Ned's statement.
Sargent gets it right and knocks it out of the park.In the flyer the Lieberman camp left out a couple other of Lamont's quotes in the July Times story, which read as follows:Again, is it too much for the media to stop allowing themselves to get fooled by Lieberman's bullshit tactics and call him out on crap like this? At this point, you're doing a disservice to the voters of Connecticut by not holding the Lieberman campaign accountable for this type of garbage and not asking Lieberman the relevant questions that placed him in the primary race in the first place.
"It's not as diverse as it should be," Mr. Lamont said. "I didn't pay as much attention to that before the race began, to tell you the truth.
"They don't have any discriminatory policies," he added.Where's the question on Schiavo?
Where are the questions about Iraq?
Where are the questions about the current state of affairs in the Middle East?
Where is the follow question from Mark Davis regarding Lieberman's Halliburton holdings.
Where are the questions surrounding Lieberman's refusal to announce his events (or hold ANY public events).
Where are the questions regarding Joe's refusal to answer any questions from THE PUBLIC (while holding phony photo-ops and using kids from his campaign as props).
Enough is enough!
BTW: You so-called Democrats who support this jerk have no heart and at this point, I question you loyality to the party as Democrats should NEVER stoop to this level of campaigning (against a good man like Ned). The Lieberman campaign is running a whisper smear campaign in the inner cities of Connecticut for God sakes! At what point do you walk away from Joe?
Crashing the clubs
Jennifer Moore
Killed after drunken night
July 30, 2006 -- Just 12 hours before yesterday's heartbreaking funeral for Jennifer Moore, another young woman, who'd been boozing it up on the same Chelsea block as the slain teen, lay collapsed on the pavement.
At around 4 a.m., cops stood by her limp body - as she lay drooling and shoeless - for 35 minutes until an ambulance came to take her away.
Up and down West 27th Street between 10th and 11th avenues, a block teeming with more than 5,000 club kids on an average weekend night, teens and 20-somethings can be found stumbling and vomiting and passed out.
Just three days earlier, Moore, 18, left Guest House here on West 27th at about 2:30 a.m. and stumbled to a West Side impound lot - where her 18-year-old friend Talia Kenan passed out and had to be taken away in an ambulance.
Moore then wandered off and was allegedly picked up by Draymond Coleman, 34, who cops say took her to Jersey, raped and killed her.
And while many of the underage revelers on West 27th Thursday and Friday nights said they were spooked by Moore's murder, it hasn't kept them from going wild.
A 20-year-old named Melissa, also from New Jersey, told her mom she was going to a slumber party on Thursday night.
But at 3 a.m. Friday, the college student was wandering down 27th Street on the heels of her stumbling-drunk friend Jessica, a strawberry-blond 18-year-old from Paramus, weaving through the throng of young bodies.
Jessica and Melissa said they hit the clubs on 27th Street twice a week in the summer, flashing IDs belonging to older relatives and dropping names of promoters and others who work in the clubs in order to get inside.
"These are the clubs we see on 'Sex and the City.' It's the whole image. It feels cool to be there, like you're really part of the city circle," Melissa said. "You learn where to go and who to talk to."
Weeknights are the easiest times to get in, she said.
"There's such a rush when you get to the door and actually get in. These places are exclusive, lots of cool people," said Melissa, who didn't want to reveal her last name.
"There's nothing to do in Jersey," she laughs. "Everyone's here."
Jessica insisted that she was "just fine" and "a little buzzed," but Melissa had to find her keys and stuff them in her Coach bag.
"We'll have to take a cab. Seriously, you can't drive," Melissa said.
She said her friends "usually have a designated driver" to take them home to Jersey, but "things got a little out of hand tonight, so we'll have to cab it."
Just then, there was a commotion down the block.
A bouncer had to carry a drunken woman to the backseat of her friend's car because she'd twisted her ankle trying to leave.
A few feet away, 21-year-old Luke from Mineola, L.I., threw up on the sidewalk, smiled and said, "That's a good night."
On both 10th and 11th avenues, traffic was bumper to bumper until 5 a.m.
It gets so bad on weekends that police set up barricades blocking cars and pedestrians from 27th Street.
Earlier in the night, crowds swelled as bouncers wait until they have a big line outside their club before letting anyone in. That way the first people to come won't be in an empty club - and the crowd outside attracts more people.
Outside club Marquee, a red Lamborghini is parked as men honk from Range Rovers asking girls to come "for a good time."
Just down the block at Guest House - where Moore spent her last night alive - a bouncer took $20 from a clubgoer trying to get in, then demanded, "Give me double that."
Down the street, a group of people waiting to get inside Bungalow 8 cheered as a couple slammed themselves up against a storefront and started making out.
People sat on the sidewalk, smoking and holding their heads in their hands.
"Just last week, I saw three girls sleeping on the street corner from 2 to 5 in the morning," said Omar Ellonzi, the owner of a popular food truck that sells sausages and gyros to people leaving the clubs.
"Girls, boys, they're always drunk. Crazy," he said.
The crowds usually start to clear on out Fridays by 5 a.m.
But that's when the block turned even more raucous.
Courtney Siegel, 19, who has been an insider in the Chelsea club scene since she was 14, said suburban youngsters treat 27th Street like "a big night out."
"The guys'll spend more, the girls'll get dolled up and the bouncers can take advantage of that, because getting inside means everything," she said.
Siegel said promoters with e-mail lists 10,000 names long tell their underage clientele to meet at 11 p.m. so the promoters can escort the bulk of teens through the door, no IDs, no questions asked.
"A lot of teenagers come and use fake IDs," said Moss. "It's easier in some places than others. But when you're 18, you want to be in places like this."
The kids usually learn about club parties by word of mouth and online promotions. Rachel - a 19-year-old Columbia University student with a realistic-looking fake ID - said she loves clubbing during the summer as a break from her studies.
"Pretty much, if you go clubbing you get to know people who let you know where to go on any given night," she said.
Chelsea is crawling with the bridge-and-tunnel crowd in the summer, Rachel said - and it's a totally different crowd.
"The commuters go crazy," she said. "They go to the extremes. It's not real life to them. It's a game."
The "game" turned deadly last week, when Moore was raped and killed after leaving Guest House.
Either Moore or her friend Kenan may have known the DJ at the club, which helped get them in.
WHY THE FUCK WAS SHE GETTING DRUNK ANYWHERE when she's only 18. WHY this has not been mentioned by ANYONE in the MSM is beyond me. The whole reason why she was wandering alone was that her friend was so shitfaced that she needed to get in an ambulence. She was drunk enough that even though she had a cell phone she didn't call for help--she called her boyfriend but not the cops? She didn't just stick around at the tow yard after that and get transport home from there?
Also it begs the question--where were the parents? Did this girl even have a valid night-time license yet to drive? If so, why was a newbie driver tooling around Manhattan? I did the drive from the burbs to NYC for years and it is NOT an easy haul sober, in broad daylight, on a dry day.
Everyone was all over the Falls like stink on shit (rightfully so) after St. Guillen was killed. Why no outrage here over a place that is apparently known for serving up scads of underaged drinkers every weekend?
PS--this is why I hate big name clubs, by the way--a LOT of them look like Daycare with Booze crowdwise. It makes me really miss the old days of MotherNYC in the Meat Packing District. Minimum door age was 25, and average age was 30ish. People with jobs, and lives, who just needed a place to do shit like dress up.
My friends own bars, they let in kids, they're in court.
Kids are bad for business, they fight, they screw each other in bathrooms, they get way too drunk. A smart business doesn't want kids.
This is a bar closing infraction kind of thing. When Immette St. Guillen was found dead, the scumbag Dorian family had the cops all in their shit. But the people who own this club haven't even been interviewed.
I don't believe for one second that an "adult" bought them drinks. I think the bartender served them and serves anyone who comes in. The bouncers don't give a shit and the owners love the crowd, and they don't give a shit either.
The Moore family should sue the owners for letting their underage daughter in and serving her alcohol. Because that's a clear violation of New York law.
But what bothers me more is that she left her friend. Even today, I never leave my friends without letting them know. I have seen teenage girls do this time and again. If your friend is passed out, why would you leave her? What could you possibly be thinking?
The virtual press gang
Join up or else
Someone alerted me to this "pitch"
Affiliate marketing partnership offer - Get $2,000 For Enlisting A SoldierWho would do this?
I am looking for someone to help me develop sites based around this national guard recruiting affiliate program. I am already registered with the program and passed all their recruiting tests. All I need to do now is start feeding it leads. You make $2,000K for every soldier that enlists and goes to basic training. Really not that hard as most soldiers gather information about joining the Army National Guard through the net. Advertising would be cheap as there is not much competition here (just do a search on Google for National Guard). There are NO limitations on how many people you can get to sign up, and from where you can get them to sign up from. Im thinking getting 100 people a year to sign up is not impossible. Thats $100K. Expenses would be very minimal. However, the catch is that all of you guys/gals won't be able to join this affiliate program because your not currently in the national guard. If you want to join let me know, I've been in for four years and I am currently an army officer; I can give you the low down. Anyhow, any developers and webmasters out there that are interested in making some of the sickest affiliate commisions in the world. Let me know. The beauty of this is that the army does all the work for you. Once you generate the lead, it's left up to a professional recruiter to close the deal, and you get paid the money. You simply have to connect the recuiter with the lead. A form capture website would do the trick. The information can then be sent off to a army recruiter in that persons area. I will do 50/50 with the right partner. Let me know ASAP as I will be posting this offer on other forums. I want to give my brothers and sisters first stab at it. Please PM me on this, or email me at if you are interested. I really believe this would be easy to set-up and make sick cash. I currently have too many projects going to do this full time. I'm looking for someone to do site development, I can handle advertising.__________________
Doesn't this scumbag have enough friends to make money off of?
So, the idea is that you dig up your friends, send them off to Iraq, and make money off of it.
Yeah, great. Why not get them drunk first, like the pressgangs used to do.
How low will you go, Joe
Lierbman attacks Lamont on race
You know, the racist contempt for the black voter, voters that they have needed to reach to be reelected, on the part of the Lieberman campaign is amazing. The top flier reminds people that Joerus the heretic marched with Martin Luther King. Well, it's 40 years later, what have you done for us lately.
Let's see, support the Iraq war.
Support school vouchers
Oppose affirmative action.
He liked helping black people when they were to be pitied, but when they had the same rights as whites, Lieberman walked away. I wonder how many black people are on his staff? After all, he had to hire an "expert" on urban voting to run his campaign. He hasn't had one living black politician of note campaign for him. Martin Luther King is dead, has been dead since April 4, 1968. Died in Memphis, TN.
Meanwhile, country club Ned Lamont has had Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters campaign for him. Waters came twice to walk with him. I'm sure he bribed them with memberships.
Look, Lieberman belongs to a club with one black member and it didn't seem to bother him. Lieberman hasn't been any kind of advocate of african americans in a long time. Like his stand on the Vietnam War, it's part of his past, not his present.
As much as we respect Dr. King's legacy, it is a legacy and not the present. And it isn't Joe Lieberman's or Bill Clinton's to hijack.
We need to understand something, Joe Lieberman has NO RESPECT FOR BLACK VOTERS. He thinks they can be manipulated and conned. Oh, Marse Bill is coming for ol' Joe. We's got to vote for him. He doesn't talk to them the way he talks to white voters, he has no respect for their intellect and grasp of the issues. He thinks he can drag up 40 year old shit and black folks are supposed to have a Pavolvian reaction when they hear King's name. We're not talking Moses here. Walking with King doesn't get you lifetime absolution.
Well, black people want to hear about the economy, Iraq and other issues of the day. They want to be appealed to intellectually, not emotionally.
The Lieberman campaign and his expert want to appeal to black voters on emotion without offering them anything. It's a racist insult of the worst kind, far more hurtful than tar baby or nigger. Because you show you think blacks are emotional children with no capacity for rational thought or action.
And to add insult to injury, he hires mostly white kids from suburban Jersey, kids his staff would be comfortable with, to do his field operations. Ignoring the pleading from the local pol to hire her people, the known persuaders, stick some money in their pocket, nope. Not gonna hook them up, they had white people to hire instead. And that is going to be remembered by the people his team screwed.
"We do it like this in Jersey" is bullshit. They don't do it that way in Hudson or Essex County and win. Cory Booker tried that in 2002 and lost.
Lieberman is supposed to be a moral man. Bullshit, he's running a campaign of the most obvious racial contempt run by anyone since Rudy Giuliani. Lieberman thinks blacks are emotional morons, easily swayed by a few names and emotional arguments.
I don't know Ned Lamont, but I know if Shapton, Waters and others are going to march with him, and I really think Lieberman will regret his constant harping on King and his legacy, I know he's not a racist. And he doesn't need to drag up the past to make his point.
More from the stupid file
I'm a rich negro
Strickland looking better to defeat Blackwell
Monday, July 31, 2006
Republican candidate for Ohio governor Ken Blackwell decided last week that he wouldn’t show his income tax return to voters, something even wealthy, low-rated incumbent Republican Gov. Bob Taft did in both his runs for the state's highest office. This is a political mistake. The refusal becomes the story. Voters wonder why. It is better to open up all information, which only election junkies would look at, thus getting it out of the way of real issues.
Meanwhile, Democrat candidate Ted Strickland says he will release his tax returns. Of course, this will be a lot easier for the Southern Ohio congressman, since he doesn’t have as much as his opponent. Blackwell is a millionaire, with most of the money presumably coming from the sale of a string of radio stations he owned with other investors.
This Blackwell political gaffe was exacerbated when his political mouthpiece, Carlo LoParo, said this to the Dayton Daily News: “... If Ted Strickland wants to highlight the fact that he lives paycheck to paycheck on a congressman’s salary, that’s his right. My understanding is he doesn’t have any investment income and it’s a pretty simple return."
If LoParo was trying to make his candidate more attractive to some rich voters, that was a pretty good statement. The problem is those voters already were voting for him. The last time I looked, the wealthy were in the minority in Ohio, and since their votes don’t increase with their portfolios, perhaps LoParo should have held back on the cheap shot.
It’s one vote, whether you have a million or you have a buck. Since many, many Ohioans live paycheck to paycheck, like LoParo says Strickland does, the Republican spokesman probably helped the Democrat candidate.
Maybe this all is irrelevant. I don’t usually make political predictions this early, but I've been watching this race, and I think it is over. Unless he commits some enormous political blunder, Strickland wins with about 54 percent of the vote this November.
I'm sure the hillbillies will be happy to have Blackwell's income tossed in their face. It should also help the black voters be reminded of who he is.
What an ignorant comment to make in an election.
54 percent? No, I think Strickland will come closer to 60.
There's nothing working class white people dislike more than a black man lording his riches over them. Blackwell's base is working class whites.
Old, black, sorry: Lieberman
Lieberman campaign: read this old black
Leiberman tries a ‘younger’ pitch
Mary E. O’Leary, Register Topics Editor
-NEW HAVEN — Bill Clinton’s name is mentioned so often in the U.S. Senate race these days, it’s almost as if it’s the 1990s and he is still leading the country.
Smith said they now have between 200 and 300 volunteers and paid staff, to canvass daily. Democratic workers in New Haven said the campaign told them it hopes to hire up to 4,000 workers by Election Day.
Over at the Lamont camp, campaign staff said they have been in the field for several weeks already and have a higher ratio of volunteers to paid workers, although they would not talk numbers.
Meanwhile, New Haven Alderwoman Jacqueline James, D-3, said a young, mostly white staff from New Jersey was in charge of canvassing for Lieberman, and that hundreds of people were turned away July 22 after being told the campaign was looking for 16- to 21-year-olds.
The alderwoman estimated 56 young people were hired out of about 500 people who showed up, attracted by the $60 a day fee, or about $800 for the duration.
She said LGS does not know the demographics of the city at all. James suggested that they match inexperienced teens with more savvy workers, but this was rejected.
"They kept saying this is how we do it in New Jersey. I kept telling them, ‘This is not New Jersey,’" said James, who no longer volunteers for Lieberman.
Smith said an age cutoff was not a policy of the campaign.
"Anyone who wants to come and work and volunteer for Joe Liberman, we don’t turn anyone away. In fact, the supervisor who was telling people that (about the age cutoff) is no longer with the campaign, if in fact he was telling people that," Smith said.
The emphasis on youthful workers was apparent at the Palace Theater rally with scores working the hall, passing out balloons and Lieberman signs, as well as at the start of Lieberman’s 10-day bus tour of the state Friday, as they lined up behind the senator.
How stupid can they be? She wanted her people to get paid. And not only did they embarass her, they made a whole bunch of new Lamont voters.
They desperately need black voters, so they turn away the local persuaders and send out white kids from Jersey?
Fuck me. This is amazing.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The New Republic: a magazine out of time
No hard feelings, really
I think it was Stephen Glass who showed how little the New Republic mattered.
Sure, he slunk off into sociopathy land, but in the end, his story was a dull movie, now cable filler, but it already confirmed that TNR wasn't exactly relevant. It was the extention of the Harvard Club for the moderately talented. But there was no great scandal, completely making up stories. But it just didn't matter, because TNR didn't matter.
But like armies runs by old generals, they rarely know how badly they've been beaten until they get beaten.
They had been Joe Lieberman's ideological home as moderates moved to the left and conservatives to the right. They sat in the yellow stripe middle when there was no appeal for it.
But, misjudging their audience completely, their army-aged writers signed on for the Iraq war, from their desks. And the worse the war got, the sillier they looked.
Then, of course, they realized the blogs were coming after them, hard. They didn't like the scruffy blogs, and tried to ignore them. Then they realized Kos and Atrios had more readers than they did and more influence. So what did they do? Attack.
Like a cornered rat, they lunged at Kos. Not at first, but after Yearly Kos, they shit the bed. Kos had to be on the take, he had to be doing something wrong. So what did they dig up? A six year old SEC complain against the non-Kos Jerome Armstrong. And they created some conspiracy around that.
Until they ran an e-mail I didn't write. Whoever sent it to them is a bed shitting moron, but the fact that they ran it without checking, was amazing. Not only was it bad journalism, it was stupid. I can make my case, Kos can make his case, and the people who read us like us more than them. And our readers send letters. Which means don't lie about me in print. I don't have take it like some peon.
Now, I don't fault Frank Foer in this. He should have fired Jason Zengerle, but I think he'll eventually have the chance to do the right thing. The fact that he didn't burn his source was disappointing, but now every word TNR publishes is suspect, it's management a joke, it's word questionable. Sure, it was gutless to not burn their source, but sometimes a man has to eat.
What they didn't understand is that the blogs can fight back, and they thought they had the upper hand. They didn't then and don't now.
But the reason I bring this up, besides mild pleasure, is to tie them into the collapse of Lieberman. Within the next few days, his black vote strategy is going to collapse. Al Sharpton is campaigning with Lamont, and that's going to be a problem for Lieberman. Because while white voters may not like him, if this race is about black voters, Sharpton is a credible figure. Sharpton is joining Maxine Waters and other, local Dems in supporting Lamont.
However, TNR has tied their publication closely to Lieberman. If Lieberman loses, it bodes ill for the current editorial direction of the rag. They will be facing bloggers who have no tolerance or time for their appeasement politics. They will be on the wrong side of American politics and doomed.
Will Marty Peretz see reality and dump the appeasers, or will he soldier on, running an irrelevant freak show, which has lower journalistic standards than the National Enquirer. After all, they have a financial stake in the truth.
Among the most nervous people on August 8th will be the staff of the New Republic. Because if Joerus the heretic goes, they may well be next
Every week
Another Marine, another funeral
Tears in Queens for a lost Marine
A young marine whose journey to a new life in the United States ended in death during a battle in an Iraqi war zone was mourned yesterday by scores of loved ones in Queens.
Marine Cpl. Julian Ramon, 22, a Colombian immigrant who lived in Flushing, was fatally injured July 20 by an explosion during combat operations in Iraq's Anbar Province, an area rife with insurgent activity.
"He was a good son, a good cousin, a good nephew, a good grandson. He was great with all his family members," said Ramon's cousin Maria Camilla Mutis.
"Since he died on the independence day of Colombia, he will be liberated from this world and from all pain," she added.
"The smile that he always gave to his family members will always stay in our hearts."
Mourners brushed tears from their eyes during the solemn service at St. Michael's Church, which featured a Mass celebrated in Spanish.
Ramon came to the United States at age 4.
After graduating from John Bowne High School in Jamaica and working briefly at an Off-Track Betting parlor, he enlisted in the Marines, hoping later to attend college and have a career in criminal justice.
We don't run many of these, because they seem to happen once a week in New York. Guardsmen, active duty Army, Marines. They keep dying while Bush's body man goes to Harvard Business School without a BA, and Barbara conducts tours at the Cooper-Hewitt.
For some odd reason, that just doesn't seem fair, or just.
No, Hezbollah is winning
The world has changed
Analysis: Hezbollah may have the edge
By SALLY BUZBEE, Associated Press Writer Sun Jul 30, 4:41 PM ET
CAIRO, Egypt - It's hard to defeat a group of extremists who can mingle among civilian supporters and are pros at propaganda.
Israel's military faces the same conundrum the United States has encountered elsewhere — finding that airstrikes are costly in civilian deaths and public support, while ground attacks are risky for soldiers.
That does not mean Hezbollah is winning militarily. But the guerrilla group has so far avoided a knockout by Israel, even as international pressure for a cease-fire has grown. And in the war of perceptions, Hezbollah has only to look strong against Israel and make Israel look bad to win across much of the Arab world, many analysts say.
That was brought into stark focus Sunday when an Israeli airstrike flattened a house in southern Lebanon, killing at least 56 people, mostly women and children. Israel apologized for the deaths and blamed Hezbollah, accusing it of using civilians as human shields.
But the backlash against Israel and its ally America was swift: Lebanese officials reacted in fury and Beirut protesters attacked a U.N. building and burned American flags. At an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting, Secretary-General
Kofi Annan said he was "deeply dismayed" his previous calls for a cease-fire had been ignored.
The United States knows this scenario well from Iraq and elsewhere: Pictures of dead children and women killed in airstrikes can hurt support even among friends.
Yet the alternative for Israel, if it wants to push back Hezbollah, is either a full-scale ground war or a lengthy series of smaller-scale incursions to eliminate the group's positions along the Israeli-Lebanese border.
For now, Israel says it has no plans for a big land invasion, still leery from its costly occupation of south Lebanon from 1982 to 2000. But the smaller incursions have brought relatively high Israeli casualties and low apparent impact: U.N. observers in south Lebanon say Hezbollah's supply of rockets remains adequate to fight, and most of its leaders have survived.
Israel has privately told the United States it needs 10 days to two weeks to accomplish what it wants.
First, they DON'T hide among the population. They avoid the population, at least the military wing does, and the faces of the IDF grunts coming off the line indicate they are in the fight of their lives.
Qana is the result of the IDF's overreliance on air power and the refusal to get in the bunker clearing business. They were repulsed from Bin Jebail, they didn't leave it. They couldn't hold the town without taking Pacific War like losses, and the IDF cannot take heavy losses. Which Hezbollah can.
This is a massive military defeat for Israel. Not only have they been shown down by a Hezbollah Army far better trained and led than they knew, they have been surprised at every turn. From missiles to bunkers to mined roads.
The problem for Israel is that they have revealed that they cannot beat Hezbollah or control land occupied by Hezbollah without taking unacceptable casualities. When dealing with Hezbollah, victory can only come with a clear, concise defeat. Anything less is a massive defeat.
What is even worse for Israel is that their attack on Lebanon has created massive sympathy for Arabs in the West, making Israel a bad guy and discreting their legitimate security arguments, even in the United States.
Bush did a very foolish thing in not stopping the Israelis. Cheney, despite ALL evidence, wanted to take a second bite at the apple in beating down Iran and Syria and not only did it fail, it made Hezbollah stronger, and even worse, established them as the defenders of Lebanon. When the chips were down, it was the Shia of Hezbollah who faced down the IDF while the Army sat impotent.
I can't stress enough how badly this has gone. The IAF has become reknowned for blowing up hospitals. The IDF cannot take a Lebanese town without getting shot up, one with bunkers their intel and special ops never came across. One their spies never heard of.
You can only maintain that level of security when you do not have civilians around. A professional army attacking a neighboring state is surprised? Uh, what does your intelligence service do?
Now, after the inevitable errant bomb, Israel is shamed before the world. Not exactly what Olmert had planned. He thought he'd be a hero for getting rid of Hezbollah and pressuring Iran and Syria. Now he's the man who bombs women and children in hospitals. And classlessly blames Hezbollah for hiding behind women and children when they bombed and killed them.
Hezbollah has not been much better, but Israel lost the battle of equivency when they tore up gas stations and red cross convoys. Now, Hezbollah's rockets are a footnote to Israel's bombs. Why the Bushies couldn't see this coming is beyond me.
Oh, Mel, about that Jew hatred.......
We love you Mel. Stomp on them Jews.
The Passion rocked.
Ari Emanuel
The Bottom Line on Mel Gibson's Anti-Semitic Remarks
I wish Mel Gibson well in dealing with his alcoholism, but alcoholism does not excuse racism and anti-Semitism. It is one thing when marginal figures with no credibility make anti-Semitic statements. It is a completely different thing when a figure of Mel Gibson's stature does so. Even when he sobers up and apologizes.
According to the handwritten report of the deputy who pulled Gibson over, published by, after he was arrested Gibson launched into an anti-Semitic tirade, saying: "Fucking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"
At a time of escalating tensions in the world, the entertainment industry cannot idly stand by and allow Mel Gibson to get away with such tragically inflammatory statements. When The Passion of the Christ came out, Gibson was quoted as categorically denying any anti-Semitism attributed to him: "For me, it goes against the tenets of my faith, to be racist in any form. To be anti-Semitic is a sin. It's been condemned by one Papal Council after another. There's encyclicals on it, which is, you know -- to be anti-Semitic is to be unchristian, and I'm not."
Now we know the truth. And no amount of publicist-approved contrition can paper it over. People in the entertainment community, whether Jew or gentile, need to demonstrate that they understand how much is at stake in this by professionally shunning Mel Gibson and refusing to work with him, even if it means a sacrifice to their bottom line.
There are times in history when standing up against bigotry and racism is more important than money.
Ever see Entourage? Well Jeremy Piven's character is based on the author of this piece.
I think Mr. Gibson may have a problem.
Jen's deadly menagerie of pets
Imagine strolling around the office with one of these on a leash. Late reports? Well, not after Timmy the Tiger lunges at coworkers. Those fangs and claws will keep the workforce in line, if they don't want to be tiger chow
That pool party will never be the same when the baby hippo rampages. Your coworkers will live in mortal terror of an invite to your home, and the baby hippo. And maybe that will inspire them to work all the harder. One rampage is more than enough for most people. If they live.
Charlie the chimp has a warm inviting smile, and seven times the strength of a human. So when Charlie starts flinging office supplies around and wheeling around the office, locking the door is no retreat. He can smash the door. Maybe a banana will calm his simian rage, or timely reports. I don't know, I don't plan on being around an enraged Charlie
Kenny the Koala. He's so cute, but his razor sharp claws make for a perfect letter opener. Or weapon against a lazy, sloppy staff. You cannot run from Kenny, you can try, but you shouldn't hope for much success, as his claws rip your clothes from your flesh.
Well, they are expensive to keep up, but they can keep a staff of slackers in line..........or else.
Mel's got problems
What? A Brown shirt. an armband.
what's the big deal?
Nikki Finke, who is an insanely well connected Hollywood reporter, , is saying Gibson is in real trouble here. And if she's saying it, I'd place credence in it .The New Yorker did a story on the Pelicano case, which may gut Hollywood over wiretaps, which started when he threatened her over a story which suggested that Steven Segal made a movie with mob money
Among the allegations within's four pages, Gibson "angrily stated" that "'My life is fucked'" and "became fixated on his notoriety and concern that the incident was going to be publicized." The celebrity became "belligerent' and "threatened" the deputy, saying "'I'm going to fuck you. You're going to regret you ever did this to me.'" Then, Gibson "blurted out a barrage of anti-Semitic remarks about 'Fucking Jews.' Yelled out 'The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.' Then asked, 'Are you a Jew.' Conduct concerned and frightened me to a point. I called ahead to the station requesting a sergeant meet the arrival of my patrol car in the station parking lot..."
As soon as TMZ's Internet pages surfaced about Gibson's alleged anti-Semitic slurs, Hollywood's entertainment leaders began phoning one another asking if it could possibly be true. (Already this morning, I personally spoke with several prominent players wanting to know more.) Now, with my confirmation from Lt. Smith that those pages are similar to the official Sheriff's reports, showbiz moguls are certain to be shocked and angry. Still, to be fair, whether any person should be held responsible for what may have been under-the-influence ramblings is certainly debatable. But Gibson is a special case because his worldwide mega-hit The Passion of the Christ was criticized by some Jewish leaders as anti-Semitic, and Gibson's father, a local religious leader, has said that the Holocaust did not happen. Hutton Gibson in statements has decried the Holocaust as "fiction" and claimed there were more Jews in Europe after World War II than before. Mel Gibson, however, has repeatedly denied his movie Passion was anti-Semitic. But the actor/director's views about his father's Holocaust denial have been under scrutiny. When asked by an interviewer in early 2004 whether the Holocaust happened, the actor / director / producer responded that some of his best friends ''have numbers on their arms,'' then added: ''Yes, of course. Atrocities happened. War is horrible. The Second World War killed tens of millions of people. Some of them were Jews in concentration camps.'' But in the same interview, Gibson said his father, Hutton Gibson, had ''never lied to me in his life,'' and Holocaust scholars have cited those and other statements as evidence that he has failed to disassociate himself clearly from his father's views. Perhaps to counter that, Gibson late last year announced he was developing a nonfiction mini-series about the Holocaust for ABC. His TV production company will base the four-hour miniseries for ABC on the self-published memoir of Flory A. Van Beek, a Dutch Jew whose gentile neighbors hid her from the Nazis but who lost several relatives in concentration camps. Gibson was not expected to act in the mini-series, nor was it certain that his name, rather than his company's, will be publicly attached to the final product, according to The New York Times. But Quinn Taylor, ABC's senior vice president for movies for television, told the paper at the time that the attention-getting value of having Gibson attached to a Holocaust project was a factor. ''Controversy's publicity, and vice versa,'' Taylor was quoted as saying. Now it remains to be seen whether the contents of these LA County Sheriff's Department arrest reports will make Gibson's Holocaust project too hot to handle for the network.
ABC's parent company, Disney, is distributing Gibson's latest Hollywood movie project, Apocalypto, through its Buena Vista Pictures Distribution arm. The action epic set before the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America about the bloody decline of the ancient Mayan civilization (filmed in their language) wrapped production earlier this year and planned for a Dec. 8 opening. In his most recent act of controversy, Gibson recently compared the fearmongering and human sacrifice of the Mayans to President George W. Bush's political actions. Previously, the Bush administration, Christian religious leaders, and conservative politicos had embraced Gibson for making The Passion of the Christ despite the overwhelmingly negative response to the film inside Jewish circles.
Hollywood, especially its Jewish moguls, has simultaneously rejected and embraced Gibson before, during and after Passion. Right before the movie was released, several top Hollywood Jewish executives saw an anti-Semitic subtext in the religious movie and pledged privately never to work with Gibson because of it. But once Passion became a surprise hit at the box office, and rang up humongous $611 million theatrical grosses worldwide, much of the heated criticism of Gibson began to cool inside Hollywood circles. And, in some quarters, the actor / director / producer began to be hailed as a genius for tapping into the zeitgest of those spiritual moviegoers often ignored by Hollywood moviemakers.
Given today's confirmation by the Sheriff's Office that Gibson's alleged anti-Semitic tirade is in his DUI arrest reports, the debate will rage anew in Hollywood and Jewish circles about Gibson's true feelings about Jews. The actor / director / producer works closely with many Jewish VIPs in the entertainment business at talent agencies, in law firms, and at the studios. Now, with Gibson's statement, this incident is very, very difficult to explain away.
How to spot a psycho
"I came over here because I wanted to kill people."
By Andrew Tilghman
Sunday, July 30, 2006; B01
" I came over here because I wanted to kill people."
Over a mess-tent dinner of turkey cutlets, the bony-faced 21-year-old private from West Texas looked right at me as he talked about killing Iraqis with casual indifference. It was February, and we were at his small patrol base about 20 miles south of Baghdad. "The truth is, it wasn't all I thought it was cracked up to be. I mean, I thought killing somebody would be this life-changing experience. And then I did it, and I was like, 'All right, whatever.' "
He shrugged.
"I shot a guy who wouldn't stop when we were out at a traffic checkpoint and it was like nothing," he went on. "Over here, killing people is like squashing an ant. I mean, you kill somebody and it's like 'All right, let's go get some pizza.' "
At the time, the soldier's matter-of-fact manner struck me chiefly as a rare example of honesty. I was on a nine-month assignment as an embedded reporter in Iraq, spending much of my time with grunts like him -- mostly young (and immature) small-town kids who sign up for a job as killers, lured by some gut-level desire for excitement and adventure. This was not the first group I had run into that was full of young men who shared a dark sense of humor and were clearly desensitized to death. I thought this soldier was just one of the exceptions who wasn't afraid to say what he really thought, a frank and reflective kid, a sort of Holden Caulfield in a war zone.
But the private was Steven D. Green.
The next time I saw him, in a front-page newspaper photograph five months later, he was standing outside a federal courthouse in North Carolina, where he had pled not guilty to charges of premeditated rape and murder. The brutal killing of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and her family in Mahmudiyah that he was accused of had taken place just three weeks after we talked.
When I met Green, I knew nothing about his background -- his troubled youth and family life, his apparent problems with drugs and alcohol, his petty criminal record. I just saw and heard a blunt-talking kid. Now that I know the charges against Green, his words take on an utterly different context for me. But when I met him then, his comments didn't seem nearly as chilling as they do now.
Morale took another nosedive soon after, when the hastily rigged electrical wiring system caught fire and burned down the Americans' living quarters. The soldiers watched as the early-morning blaze destroyed all reminders of home: the family photographs, the iPods and the video games that provide brief escapes from combat. When I got there a week later, a chow-hall storage room, packed with radios and satellite maps, was serving as the base command center. The sergeants were still passing out toothbrushes and clean socks to the young troops who had lost everything.
The company commander in charge of Green's unit told me that the situation was so stressful that he himself had "almost had a nervous breakdown" and had been sent to a hotel-style compound in Baghdad for three days of "freedom rest" before resuming his command.
And yet despite the horrific conditions in which they were daily being tested, I found extraordinary camaraderie among the soldiers in Mahmudiyah. They were among the friendliest troops I met in Iraq.
Green was one of several soldiers I sat down with in the chow hall one night not long after my arrival. We talked over dinner served on cardboard trays. I asked them how it was going out there, and to tell me about some of their most harrowing moments. When they began talking about the December death of Sgt. Kenith Casica, my interview zeroed in on Green.
He described how after an attack on their traffic checkpoint, he and several others pushed one wounded man into the back seat of a Humvee and put Casica, who had a bullet wound in his throat, on the truck's hood. Green flung himself across Casica to keep the dying soldier from falling off as they sped back to the base.
"We were going, like, 55 miles an hour and I was hanging on to him. I was like, 'Sgt. Casica, Sgt. Casica.' He just moved his eyes a little bit," Green related with a breezy candor. "I was just laying on top of him, listening to him breathing, telling him he's okay. I was rubbing his chest. I was looking at the tattoo on his arm. He had his little girl's name tattooed on his arm.
"I was just talking to him. Listening to his heartbeat. It was weird -- I drooled on him a little bit and I was, like, wiping it off. It's weird that I was worried about stupid [expletive] like that.
"Then I heard him stop breathing," Green said. "We got back and everyone was like, 'Oh [expletive], get him off the truck.' But I knew he was dead. You could look in his eyes and there wasn't nothing in his eyes. I knew what was going on there."
He paused and looked away. "He was the nicest man I ever met," he said. "I never saw him yell at anybody. That was the worst time, that was my worst time since I've been in Iraq."
Green had been in country only four months at that point, a volunteer in a war he now saw as pointless.
"I gotta be here for a year and there ain't [expletive] I can do about it," he said. "I just want to go home alive. I don't give a [expletive] about the whole Iraq thing. I don't care.
"See, this war is different from all the ones that our fathers and grandfathers fought. Those wars were for something. This war is for nothing."
Green knew a few words of Arabic, and along with bits of broken English, some hand gestures and smiles, he joked around with the Iraqis as he sipped their tea. Most U.S. soldiers didn't hang out on this side of the base with the Iraqis.
I asked Green whether he went there a lot. He did, he said, because he liked to get away from the Americans "who are always telling me what to do."
"These guys are cool," he said, referring to the Iraqis.
"But," he added with a shrug, "I wouldn't really care if all these guys got waxed."
As we talked, Green complained about his frustration with the Army brass that urged young soldiers to exercise caution even in the most terrifying and life-threatening circumstances.
"We're out here getting attacked all the time and we're in trouble when somebody accidentally gets shot?" he said, referring to infantrymen like himself throughout Iraq. "We're pawns for the [expletive] politicians, for people that don't give a [expletive] about us and don't know anything about what it's like to be out here on the line."
The soldiers who fought alongside Green lived in conditions of near-constant violence -- violence committed by them, and against them.
In the end, I never included Green's comments in any of the handful of stories I wrote from Mahmudiyah for Stars and Stripes. When he said he was inured to death and killing, it seemed to me -- in that place and at that time -- a reasonable thing to say. While in Iraq, I also saw people bleed and die. And there was something unspeakably underwhelming about it. It's not a Hollywood action movie -- there are no rapid edits, no adrenaline-pumping soundtracks, no logical narratives that help make sense of it. Bits of lead fly through the air, put holes in people and their bodily fluids leak out and they die. Those who knew them mourn and move on.
But no level of combat stress is an excuse for the kind of brutal acts Green allegedly committed. I suppose I will always look back on our conversations in Mahmudiyah and wonder: Just what did he mean?
I wonder how old and experienced this reporter is. Because it's one thing to be blunt, it is another to be indifferent to the people you kill. It is almost taboo to tell strangers you joined the Army to kill people. His "honesty" was really psychopathic behavior. He killed someone and felt nothing is not honesty. It is a sign of deep sociopathy.
I mean, he didn't like people telling him what to do, hung out with Iraqis, yet didn't care if they all died. Uh, Mr. Reporter Man, he's a fucking psycho.
Most people feel some serious, life altering guilt at killing other human beings. The idea of Green being diasppointed in killing should have scared people shitless. This reporter should have realized that Green was not just being cool, but was so ill he should have never made it out of Benning.
Holden Caufield wound up in a mental hospital.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Oh, give me a break
Steele's comments likely a plus with black voters
By S.A. Miller
July 29, 2006
Black voters in Maryland yesterday said Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele's run for U.S. Senate was not hurt -- and might have been helped -- by his recently publicized criticism of President Bush.
"Just because Michael Steele disagrees with Bush, I'd probably vote for him," said Bjorn A. Fingal, 19, a pizza-delivery driver and registered Democrat from Mount Rainier. "We're anti-Bush where I'm from."
Johnny Jones, a retired federal worker from Silver Spring, said he didn't think anybody was swayed by the flurry of news reports about Mr. Steele, a black Republican who said he does not want Mr. Bush campaigning for him and that his party affiliation is like a "scarlet letter" in Maryland, where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly 2-to-1.
"He just speaks the truth," said Mr. Jones, 69, a registered Democrat. "He is a Republican, but he doesn't like everything the Republicans are doing. That doesn't mean I'll vote for him. I'll probably vote Democrat."
More than 150 news organization around the world have reported on Mr. Steele's remarks, which originally appeared Tuesday in a column in The Washington Post. The remarks were based on an off-the-record interview, and the column did not attribute the comments to Mr. Steele.
Mr. Steele almost immediately took responsibility for the remarks, including his criticism of the Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina and the war in Iraq -- positions he has often taken publicly since entering the Senate race nine months ago.
Mr. Steele is expected to win the Republican nomination in the Sept. 12 primary, then face either Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin or former National Association for the Advancement of Colored People leader Kweisi Mfume, the front-runners for the Democratic nomination for senator.
Mr. Steele also reiterated his support for the president and said Mr. Bush was a "homeboy," in the days following the column.
He has not hidden his close ties to the Bush administration, which was instrumental in recruiting him for the Senate race.
Mr. Steele has campaigned with Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George H.W. Bush. Last month, he held a fundraising event with White House senior adviser Karl Rove.
Tyrone Powers, host of a radio news journal on WEAA-FM in Baltimore that focuses on black issues, said black voters are torn between applauding Mr. Steele and dismissing his remarks as rhetoric to win votes. "African-Americans are inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt," he said. "They want an African-American in the Senate."
So what will Cardin or Mfume do? Show how close Steele is to Bush.
Steele only owned up to the comments when the WaPo had him on tape.
I mean the article showed that 90 percent of black Marylanders oppose Bush. Once they show how close Steele is to Bush and his minions, well, you can forget about that vote.
The problem Steele had with those quotes is that his backers didn't appreciate him disrespecting the family.