Saturday, July 29, 2006

St Joe's Crusade

Come meet Senator Lieberman and
bring out your dead


Dear Supporter,

The campaign keeps on rolling. Literally. Yesterday marked day one of a ten-day bus tour around the state. ‘Joe’s Tomorrow Tour’ will be all over the Nutmeg State these next few weeks. As the Senator said at the tour kick-off, there has been too much talk in this race by the media and the pundits about him and his opponent. That’s why Lieberman is taking the race back to the voters.

This race is about your future and your children’s future—and that is what Joe Lieberman is going to focus on for the remainder of the campaign. As Lieberman said, "For 30 years, I have fought for the core Democratic values of equal rights, civil rights, equal opportunity and a real shot at the American Dream for all our families." This is what this election is about.

Yesterday, "Joe's Tomorrow Tour" stopped in Meriden, Naugatuck, Seymour, Ansonia, Shelton and Orange. The senator met with voters at local eateries and gathering places in each one of these communities. Lieberman was received with great enthusiasm everywhere he went. The excitement surrounding our campaign is catching on all around Connecticut. It’s an exciting time to be a Democrat.

This is still a tough race and we continue to need your support. We urge you to volunteer during the next week and a half and we urge you to remind everyone you know to get to the polls on August 8th and pull the lever for Joe.

See you on the trail,

Sean Smith

Campaign Manager


While Michael Schaivo was holding a press conference to remind everyone what a sanctimonious, meddling, holier-than-thou, politically opportunistic tin-eared prick Joe Lieberman was during the difficult last days of his wife’s life Joe was touring Connecticut on a campaign bus.

Almost nobody showed up to meet Joe, so it must have been comforting to find that the Kiss Float was trailing him along the way.

The Kiss Float and the Lieberman parade caravaned from Naugutuck to Seymour to Ansonia. While Joe would walk into diners that were virtually empty, the Kiss float provided a wonderful distraction for bored journalists who otherwise would’ve had precious little to cover.

As TrueBlueCT says, "It was Photo op after photo op, but nobody’s turning out for him — no supporters whatsoever. Why go around on this bus tour if he’s not going to connect with the people?" (Although former congressman Jim Maloney was one of the 11 or so people who turned up the entire day to pay homage to Holy Joe. Nice to see someone besides Bubba isn’t afraid to coat their political career with LieberCooties.)

Speaking of Bubba, Lieberman staffer Marion Slimefels was passing out big bags of "hug" buttons showing a precious moment between Lieberman and Clinton, reminding everyone that Joe’s favorite position is always playing the Little Woman to men more powerful than he is. Then someone noticed that the buttons didin’t have the union bug, and the campaign people quickly began denying they had anything to do with them. My that AFL-CIO endorement from Little Jimmy Olsen, Cub Labor Leader sure is starting to lose its luster.

At "Bar" Pizza one of the few people who showed up spontanously chewed out Joe over the war. This tour is supposed to last through the week. Wonder if Holy Joe’s sense of entitlement can carrying him through such a sea of apathy on the part of the little people?

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