Thursday, August 3, 2006

Amusment for the masses

I forgive Mel

O'Reilly blasts "smear merchants" and "vampires" criticizing Mel Gibson; Rivera smears Olbermann, Stewart, and Colbert

Summary: On his Fox News program, Bill O'Reilly called Mel Gibson's recent anti-Semitic comments "inexcusable," but said it is "more important" to discuss the "point where the media and individual Americans start to enjoy the suffering of rich and powerful people." Guest Geraldo Rivera later suggested that O'Reilly refer to "that schmuck from MSNBC," apparently MSNBC host Keith Olbermann; Rivera added that the "schmuck from MSNBC" is a "lowlife." Rivera also asserted that Comedy Central hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert "make a living putting on video of old ladies slipping on ice and people laughing" and that they "exist in a small little place where they count for nothing."

During a discussion on the August 2 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor with Geraldo at Large host and former Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera, Bill O'Reilly stated that the anti-Semitic remarks Mel Gibson made following his July 28 arrest were "inexcusable," but that it is "more important" to discuss the "point where the media and individual Americans start to enjoy the suffering of rich and powerful people." O'Reilly declared that media figures who have criticized Gibson's remarks are "smear merchants" who have "blood all over their mouth, these vampires," and also targeted the "corporate masters" behind them, who are "the truly evil people." In keeping with O'Reilly's refusal to mention by name certain people O'Reilly dislikes because doing so gives them "more publicity," Rivera suggested O'Reilly refer to one in particular -- presumably MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, who has repeatedly given O'Reilly his nightly "Worst Person in the World" award -- as "that schmuck from MSNBC," adding that the "schmuck from MSNBC" is a "lowlife." Later, Rivera did use names, asserting that Comedy Central hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert "make a living putting on video of old ladies slipping on ice and people laughing" and that they "exist in a small little place where they count for nothing."

No, that's what Letterman did until he got his ass sued.

Stewart will just come swinging at Geraldo. But that's a straight up fight. Geraldo will beaten, but he'll see it coming. Colbert, well, that's some nijitsu comedy he does, by the time Rivera realizes how badly he's fucked up, it will be way too late.

They want to be running jokes, ask Tucker Carlson how that feels.

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