Friday, August 11, 2006

Kiss my ass, Cal

Cal Thomas: Democrats Are Now The "Taliban"
by Hunter
Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 03:53:44 PM PDT

This is the biggest piece of shit Cal Thomas has ever published in his entire career -- and given Cal Thomas' career, that's saying something.

The narrow primary defeat of veteran Sen. Joe Lieberman in Connecticut's Democratic primary is more than a loss for one man. It is a loss for his party and for the country. It completes the capture of the Democratic Party by its Taliban wing.

They used to be "San Francisco Democrats," a phrase coined by former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick to describe the party's 1984 convention. But they have now morphed into Taliban Democrats because they are willing to "kill" one of their own, if he does not conform to the narrow and rigid agenda of the party's kook fringe.

Mr. Lieberman's one "sin," in the eyes of the Taliban Democrats, was that he supported the effort to defeat the insurgent-terrorists in Iraq. As a Jew, Mr. Lieberman is particularly sensitive to those who have targeted the Jewish people for extinction. But even if he weren't Jewish, he would still "get it," because he understands what's at stake in the region and has correctly concluded that the consequences of American failure in Iraq would be catastrophic. [...]

Taliban Democrats have effectively issued a political "fatwa" that warns all Democrats not to deviate from their narrow line, or else face the end of their careers through a political jihad. Perhaps the few remaining rational Democrats should put on their burkas now and submit to the will of the party mullahs.

Let's see, Cal's DD-214 says he sat in a radio station in New York during the Vietnam War.

Jim Webb's DD-214 has a Navy Cross.

Is Webb a Taliban Democrat?

At least the Taliban are fighting for their crazy beliefs, Thomas, his friends, and their children are the biggest bunch of cowards this country have seen since Joe Kennedy and his friends at
America First. They talk big about war, but they whine like little girls when they are asked for ANY sacrifice.

Let's ask Cal how many Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, like the legless Tammy Duckworth are "Taliban Democrats". There are 55 veterans running for Congress. Is Pat Murphy a Taliban Democrat? Joe Sestak? Which one of these veterans, some of whom fought the Taliban, are "Taliban Democrats".

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