It's Scruffy the Beltway Clown
Three Cheers for Triangulation
What Lieberman's primary defeat means
Posted Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006
Ned Lamont's victory over Joe Lieberman in last week's Democratic Senate primary in Connecticut precipitated the expected torrent of rubbish from left-wing blognuts and conservative wingnuts. There was a nauseating triumphalism on both sides, the unblinking assertion that this one poorly attended summer primary provided a lesson of earth-shattering significance to the future of American politics. Maybe it did, but I hope not.
The wingnuts used Connecticut as a rationale for continuing to wave the bloody shirt of Islamist terrorism as a partisan bludgeon. Vice President Dick Cheney, the nation's wingnut in chief, actually said Lieberman's defeat would give aid and comfort to our terrorist "adversaries and al-Qaeda types." On the other side, Eli Pariser, the executive director of and therefore, perhaps, the nation's blognut in chief, proposed the "death of triangulation"—that is, the end of Clintonian moderation—in a Washington Post Op-Ed piece and announced a return to ... well, the party's stupid excesses of the '70s and '80s.
Don't get mad when you read this bullshit. Because he's wrong. They're all wrong. Klein is the man who thought the negroes would riot after a movie, because we're all excitable children.
50 percent of all Connecticut Democrats voted in the August 8 primary. That is not a poorly attended primary.
Triangulation fails, Joe, because there is no one to deal with.
But it is funny to see a man this wrong and so proud of being wrong.
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