Saturday, August 12, 2006

Time for the short bus

So, I'm In This Diner
by AlyoshaKaramazov
Sat Aug 12, 2006 at 10:39:43 AM PDT

So, I'm in this diner, right. And this is in one of the bluest of blue states, so I'm not used to hearing this kind of mind-numbing nonsense around here.

I overhear this guy talking (loudly) about how the Iraq war has made us safer. How it's a great accomplishment. How Bush is going to stand next to Lincoln in the eyes of historians, for "freeing the slaves" of tyranny.

At first, I think the guy's kidding.

But then, I hear people mumbling things like, "What a maroon" and "shut the fuck up, dude" and "Christ, can we get a short bus for this guy"

But still, I have a feeling that the guy's just having one over on us. It's just too frickin' weird that he'd be so demonstrably wrong, and vocal, about our mistake in Iraq.

So after five minutes of this, I decide I need to find out for sure. And I go up to his table with a smile on my face. I say, "nice snark." He stops talking and stares blankly at me. My smile widens. He says "excuse me?" I say, "oh, snark, that means satire or sarcasm. You were right on with that!"

He looks me up and down. I say, "I mean, nobody could possibly believe what you just said, right?" and I start laughing. But he's not.

So I stop laughing and say, "oh jeez, you were serious?!" "oh, I'm sorry, forgive me, please" I do one of those things where you draw down the corners of your mouth, and those two sharp lines appear on either side of your neck. The "whoops" look. I look at his fellow diners, blush and say "nevermind."

And I go and pay my check.

As I'm opening the door to leave, the whole place bursts out in uproarious laughter.

And they weren't laughing at me.

My point is: Speak up. Make it known how YOU feel about the mess our nation is in. Use your own style. Have flair.

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