Senate rivals' lieutenants launch ideological salvoes
By:Don Michak, Journal Inquirer
So much for civility in the now three-way race for the U.S. Senate.
In separate e-mails sent to reporters over the weekend, top officials in the campaigns of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman and his Democratic challenger, Greenwich cable executive Ned Lamont, engaged in what many would consider red-baiting and Bush-bashing.
Dan Gerstein, a longtime Lieberman aide whom the senator named as his new communications director after losing the Democratic primary to Lamont last week, took aim at Lamont's appearance Sunday on Fox News, calling it "a tad hypocritical" after having attacked Lieberman for appearing on the same network.
But then Gerstein posed "a question" for Lamont.
How could he expect to convince "moderate Democrats, Republicans, and most importantly, unaffiliated voters" that he "would be anything other than a rigid partisan rubber stamp in the Senate," the Lieberman spokesman asked, "when the only proof of his independence he can show is that he is slightly to the right of socialist Bernie Sanders on fiscal policy?"
"Why should anyone outside the Sharpton/Kos wing of the Democratic Party believe Ned Lamont will represent their views in Washington?" he added.
Gerstein had associated Lamont with three figures on the left: Sanders, the self-described socialist congressman from Vermont who caucuses with the House Democrats; the Rev. Al Sharpton, the New York civil rights advocate and former Democratic presidential candidate; and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of Daily Kos, one of the liberals' most popular political weblogs
Why is the racist Dan Gerstein representing Joe Lieberman. He's clearly racebaiting and redbaiting.
Gerstein is a racist. He has sought to demean black voters and black politicians. Why does Joe Lieberman have him speak for him?
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