Sunday, December 17, 2006

The battle of the wives

Snippy, aren't we, Laura

Face the Snark
By: watertiger


Well, it would be a rare week indeed during the Bush administration that didn't find me in front of the television screaming "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F**KING MIND?" at least once. And this week was no exception. With their poll numbers dropping faster than Britney Spears' panties, the Bushes and their "friends" have been in top form, highlighting their mental disconnect from reality with a rococo flourish. In an interview with People Magazine this week, the Bushes revealed far more about themselves than I think even they might have intended.

Laura Bush, in fine Tupperware party fashion, managed to cut off her husband's other wife at the knees:

The President also said there is no doubt in his mind that a woman candidate could be president, and the First Lady agreed. Mrs. Bush referenced Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and noted that while she would be a "really good candidate", Rice is not interested in the job.

"Probably because she is single, her parents are no longer living, she's an only child. You need a very supportive family and supportive friends to have this job," the First Lady said.

Oh, hiss-meow, Laura. You really have been listening to your mother-in-law, haven't you. Setting the women's rights movement back about fifty years, speaking for others who are, at last check, capable of speaking for themselves, disapproving and condescending while trying to appear concerned, and failing to come across as anything other than small-minded, parochial, provincial.

I think it has more to do with her attentions towards her husband than politics. I guess maybe she's still pissed about Thanksgiving

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