

Photo from the WH website, at the signing of the Intel Reform Act in December of 2004.)

Joe Lieberman in today’s Hartford Courant:

"Sen. Reid left no doubt in my mind that I would retain my seniority and committee assignments within the Senate Democratic Caucus should I be re-elected," Lieberman said Thursday, "and that has been confirmed to me by several other members of the Democratic caucus."

Oh, really? But you won’t name names? Ummm hmmm. Pardon me while I step through the smoke.

From Sen. Reid’s office, in the same article:

"As is customary, the caucus will consider such things as committee assignments only after the elections in November. There’s nothing automatic about anything," said Manley.

And I have it directly from another member of Reid’s staff that this quote is exactly Sen. Reid’s position on the matter — that the caucus makes the decision together, it is not something that is issued by fiat. And this will be voted on by incoming Democrats — not the outgoing caucus — so whatever chits Lieberman thinks he’s piled up (and by Bob Geiger’s count, that would be six definites at the most at this point, in the "feed Joe’s hungry ego" Lieberman for Connecticut party apparatus), they may not be operative come November.

It is time to hit the phones, gang. I’d sure like to know what every Senator’s position is on Lieberman and his committee positions, wouldn’t you? Especially given his back-stabbing Cheney-esque maneuvers in Connecticut over the past week, and his attempts to portray the position taken by more than 80% of the Connecticut electorate — and more than 60% of all Americans and a decided majority of the Demcoratic party – that the Iraq occupation has been managed badly and that we need a new direction as "aiding the terrorists." (Getting the Mehlman faxes daily, are we?)

Wouldn’t you like to know if your Senators plan on rewarding Turncoat Joe?

You can call toll free at 1-888-355-3588 to the Capitol switchboard. You can also find contact information for your Senators here. This isn’t just a question to be asked of sitting Senators, though — it’s also something we should find out from Democratic Senate candidates. Most politicians are home for the August recess and doing events all over their respective states — this is a fantastic time to drop by a local office or a candidate event and talk with your Senator in person about how important it is to stand up for democracy and the Democratic party.

This is the time to stand up and let your Senators know exactly how you feel about de facto Republican candidate Turncoat Joe Lieberman and his GOP playbook tactics in Connecticut. And if you get an answer from your Senators on this, please report back here — we’ll keep an eye on this one. Please let your voice be heard!