Blogger: Vest in "Brilliant" Anti-Allen Ad Isn't from Vietnam War
By Justin Rood - September 19, 2006, 4:23 PM
Questions are being raised over a "hard-hitting" ad criticizing Sen. George Allen (R-VA) by a left-leaning veteran's political action committee.
The ad, made by, charges Allen voted against a bill that would provide updated body armor to troops serving in the Middle East. The group's Web site features accolades from liberal Web sites about the spot, calling it "more relevant and hard hitting than anything else I've seen," and "by far the most brilliant and effective ad I've seen this cycle."
In the ad, an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, Peter Granato, narrates and fires rounds from an AK-47 into two different vests.
"This is a vest left over from the Vietnam War," Granato says, introducing the first vest. "It's the protection we were given when we deployed to Iraq."