Joe Lieberman wants to make you better
secterian killers
Lieberman Calls for Having More U.S. Troops Training Iraqi Forces
Published: September 26, 2006
EAST HAMPTON, Conn., Sept. 25 — In his first major speech on Iraq since his loss in the primary election, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman called on Monday for the number of United States troops embedded with Iraqi forces to be doubled or tripled, to speed up the training of the Iraqis and help hasten the withdrawal of the Americans.
In a 40-minute speech at a Veterans of Foreign Wars post here, Mr. Lieberman, who has been under attack for his support of the war, said that those troops could be added through redeployments, rather than by committing additional troops in the region.
At the same time, he called for increasing the overall size of the United States Army and Marine Corps, to better prepare for looming conflicts.
“We’ve got to do that to make sure we are building the numbers and types of units we need to fight and win the kinds of conflicts that we are likely to fight — unconventional conflicts — during this century,’’ Mr. Lieberman said.
“This is not going fix the shortages we have now in Iraq, or reduce the strain on our forces,” he said. “It will begin over time to give us the greater capabilities we will need.”
Mr. Lieberman, a Democrat in his third term in the Senate, is running for re-election as an independent.
He said that he did not back an open-ended commitment — as the victor in the Democratic primary on Aug. 8, Ned Lamont, has accused him of doing — but that he also opposed setting a timeline for withdrawal.
And he attacked Mr. Lamont, portraying his rival’s position on the withdrawal of American troops as “giving up on Iraq.”
The Republican candidate, Alan Schlesinger, is far behind in the polls.
Mr. Lieberman’s speech came on the heels of the latest National Intelligence Estimate, which concluded that as result of the war in Iraq, the overall terrorist threat to the United States has grown rather than diminished since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Like other Democrats around the country, Mr. Lamont seized on the report, saying it showed that the policies of the Bush administration had failed, and he said that Mr. Lieberman had continued to support them. “Trying to make a military statement there is just making the situation worse,” Mr. Lamont said on Monday during a campaign stop in New Haven, adding that Mr. Lieberman was still calling for “more of the same.”
But Mr. Lieberman used the news of the intelligence report, which he said he had not read, to argue that a deadline for withdrawal would make the threat of terror “exponentially worse” and give a battle plan to factional militias, insurgents, terrorists, Syria and Iran.
How? Where are the extra troops to train Iraqis? Where are the troops to increase the military? We need to hammer him with these questions. Because there are no more troops for Iraq. There is no one else to call. Of 33 Brigades, of those not engaged in combat, two or three are ready to fight.
Lieberman wants Americans to continue to die in a pointless war, one where the army is stretched to the point where felons, austistic kids and revenge seeking parents are now being recuited. A volksturm of the willing. What's next, recruiting 16 year olds? Maybe we can recruit a young American's division of teenagers, some foriegn legions of illegal aliens, or hell, even criminals.
The Dirlewanger Brigade was made up of the scum of the German Army, pure criminals. Led by former child molester Oskar Dirlewanger his unit had rapists, killers, anyone who wanted to fight for Germany.
Who says you couldn't get some of the bangers from Chino for the same deal. Pardon them at the end of their service, let them form their own units and we could easily raise more men to send to the sandbox.
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