Monday, December 11, 2006

Can you believe this shit

Poor Bush had a week that reeked



Outside Republican sources report that except for isolated pockets of realism, the West Wing bunker hasn't yet absorbed Bush's diminished power.

"The White House is totally constipated," a former aide complained. "There's not enough adult leadership, and the 30-year-olds still think it's 2000 and they're riding high."

One White House assistant insisted to a friend last week that the election was merely a repudiation of Bush's execution, not his policies.

"They don't get it," a GOP mandarin snapped. "The Iraq report was their brass ring to pivot and salvage the last two years, and they didn't grab it."

Even if the chaos in Iraq subsides, prospects for other Bush accomplishments in the twilight of his term are difficult at best.

"Short of doing something on Iraq, there's not much good he can do anymore," a key Bush adviser conceded.

A senior Republican official who enjoys excellent relations with the White House was even more downbeat.

"We will get an immigration bill, and the President will make a valiant but doomed attempt at entitlement reform," he said. "But we are looking at two frustrating years of gridlock and several foreign policy failures

What that means, very simply, is Social Security theft is on the agenda. Despite the GOP refusing anything to do with this, Bush is going to push this again. And unlike last year, the Dems will destroy his credibility, and it will bleed over into the war. He never quits, he never changes.

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