Thursday, December 14, 2006

I hope this happens

This should help you blend in

Malkin announces that she’s going to Baghdad

Oh, this is rich!

Malkin is so concerned about the Associated Press’ efforts to make things look “really bad” in Iraq when things are really actually going really well, that she has accepted Eason Jordan’s invitation to send her to Iraq.

Now I know and you know that Michelle has no intention of going to Iraq. She’s stuck her neck out a bit on this one, however. What excuse will she use to keep herself from going?

Will she claim that Eason Jordan refused to pay? Will she describe a murky Islamofascist/moonbat plot that will force her to stay at home? Will she claim that the Iraqi government won’t give her a visa? Will she, like Bill O’Reilly, claim to discover that she’s on an al-Qaeda hitlist?

At least we know that Baghdad isn’t as dangerous as Paris. She’s got that going for her.

Post your predictions here.

Jordan is a slick fucker. Malkin is so puffed up with her own bullshit she doesn't understand what he signed her on for.

They're supposed to interview Iraqis who saw six sunnis burned alive. That means leaving the Green Zone. It is really, really dangerous. I mean, there is a great deal of risk involved in this, and these battle tourists are gonna get their bullshit confronted in a real way. When grunts tell them how much they hate Iraqis, the shitty living conditions they deal with. Hell, landing in Baghdad should scare her shitless.

But if Liberal Avenger is right, she's gonna weasel out.

I think she's gonna go. And get the everloving shit scared out of her.

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