Saturday, December 2, 2006

Why is Dennis Prager a racist?

Oh It Burns


Great AP Headline :

Congressman faulted for Quran at oath

WASHINGTON (AP) — Keith Ellison, who will become the first Muslim member of Congress next month, has offended some conservatives with his plan to use the Quran during his ceremonial swearing-in. The decision by Ellison, D-Minn., to use the Muslim holy book for the ceremony instead of the Bible triggered an angry column by Dennis Prager on the Web site this week.

Headlined, "America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on," Prager argued that using the Quran for the ceremony "undermines American civilization."

The use of the Quran is a stalking horse for Prager's open racial contempt for Keith Ellison. He would never, ever think of telling a white congressman what book to swear on, but hiding behind anti-Mulism bigotry, he's invoking the white man's priveledge to tell a black man what to do and to question his patriotism.

I mean, black muslims serve in the Armed forces, as clerics in prisons, and in all aspects of public life, except for Congress. And now Ellison is the first, but because people like Prager want to show him his place, they hoke up his argument.

It would be interesting if people called him on his racist, bigotted argument, not on his fear of Islam, but his fear of an independent minded black man.

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