Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Crazy days at ABC/ Disney

AA Considers Pulling ALL Ads From ABC- Because of Blogger!!
by paddykraska
Tue Sep 12, 2006 at 07:22:45 PM PDT

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Looks to me like we're not the only ones pissed off.


American Could Pull Ads From ABC
September 12, 2006
By Richard Williamson

DALLAS American Airlines is prepared to pull its advertising from ABC in order to protest its portrayal in the network's recently aired movie The Path to 9/11, according to a source. The carrier also said it is considering legal action against the network.

The airline spends $25 million annually on broadcast TV ads; it could not immediately determined how much is spent on ABC, but according to one source, "It's extensive."

Roger Frizzell, vice president, corporate communications and advertising, American, confirmed that the client is mulling its legal options.

The film in both its first and second parts appears to suggest that chief hijacker Mohammed Atta was flagged as a security risk at Boston's Logan Airport by American Airlines personnel. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, that incident occurred earlier that morning, in Maine, and the airline was U.S. Airways.

I really want to point out the my bolding of the next bit.......

Late Monday, American Airlines released the following statement: "The Disney/ABC television program, 'The Path to 9/11,' which began airing last night, is inaccurate and irresponsible in its portrayal of the airport check-in events that occurred on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

"A factual description of those events can be found in the official government edition of the 9/11 Commission Report and supporting documents.

"This misrepresentation of facts dishonors the memory of innocent American Airlines employees and all those who lost their lives as a result of the tragic events of 9/11."

American said it would have no further comment beyond the statement at this time. But earlier in the day, it had sent a letter to those who had contacted the company with the same complaint, inspired by liberal blogger John Aravosis of Americablog.

On a final personal note, I am absolutely humbled and proud as f**k to be associated with all Kossacks & lefty bloggers. It's been fantastic, and as we all know...


If you are so inclined, drop them a line, give them a call, and tell them that they are doing the right thing.

Contacts follow below:

Corporate Affairs Division: Angela Cook
Telephone: 817 967 1576

Corporate Vice-President: John Carpenter
Telephone: 817 967 1575 affairs

Corporate Communications contacts: (This is their PR department!)

Phone: 817-967-1577

Customer Relations contacts: (This is their general department for complaints, suggestions and compliments)

Fax: (817) 967-4162

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