Monday, September 11, 2006

Why OxyContin is bad for you

Katie Couric's show fell to third place in four days and she ended it with OxyBoy.

COURIC: If you've been with us this week, you probably know we have a new segment we're trying called "Free Speech," where newsmakers, opinion makers, and just plain folks tell us what's on their minds. With the fifth anniversary of 9-11 coming up, the topic tonight is the war on terror, and there may be no one more opinionated on the subject than radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

LIMBAUGH: My friends, it's time to face a hard, cold fact: Militant Islam wants to kill us just because we're alive and don't believe as they do.

Nothing to do with our support of repressive regimes Nope

They've been killing us for decades. So it's time to stop pretending these terrorist incidents are mere episodic events and face the reality that our way of life is in grave danger. Now, this threat is not just going to go away because we choose to ignore it. Some say we should try diplomacy. Yeah, well, tell me, how do we negotiate with people whose starting point is our death? Ask them to wait for 10 years before they kill us? When good negotiates with evil, evil will always win, and peace follows victory, not words issued by diplomats.

Rush Limabaugh is a coward and a racist, but his cowardice shines through here. The Islamic boogieman is coming to get him

But some Americans, sadly, not interested in victory, and yet they want us to believe that their behavior is patriotic. Well, it's not.

Yes, supporting this war, getting people for a lie should be considered treason

When the critics are more interested in punishing this country over a few incidents of Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay than they are in defeating those who want to kill us, when they seek to destroy a foreign surveillance program which is designed to identify those who want to kill us and how they intend to do it, when they want to grant those who want to kill us U.S. constitutional rights, I don't call that patriotic.

Because you are a traitor. You think torture is an American value, violation of human rights is an American value, violating the rights of innocent people is an American value and they are not. They are the values of terrorism which you embrace, victory by any means, not the values of America.

Patriotism is rallying behind the country, regardless of party affiliation, to defeat Islamofascism. Patriotism is supporting our troops in the battlefield, not undermining the mission and morale.

Islamofascism is the language of the idiot, the halfwit, those who cannot read or think critically. The support you offer is cheap and meaningless. It doesn't support anyone but your own treasonous ego

But let there be no doubt about this: America will prevail. We're the same country that survived a bloody civil war, defeated the Nazis and the Soviets. Each generation has a responsibility to the next. Our generation will not disappoint.

With no help from you and the rest of those who have betrayed the promise of America

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